Friday, November 30, 2007

College Girl

She'd be cute, attractive even, if she wasn't sitting in a pool of her own urine. Her mouth is crusted with blood and we can see that a few of her teeth have snapped off at the gums.
"This is Kelly," A JWU cop tells my partner and I.
I squat down to get at eye level in the dark little hallway of an aging residence hall,Ryan (my partner for the evening) starts to get our bag opened and I wave him off. This girl is clearly in rough shape and I dont want to be playing around in the hallway. "Kelly, we're going to get you on the stretcher. Can you stand?" She makes some kind of a noise and I gesture to Ryan to get her other arm and we bodily lift her and unceremoniously plop her back down onto the sled.
"Her friends say she drank vodka and took a bunch of percosets." Another JWU cop tells us. I ask if he has the bottles and he says. "No, you need em?"
"It'd be nice."
He gets on his radio and sends two other officers to make entry into her apartment and grab all the pill bottles, hers or her roommates that they find.
We take a rickety elevator down to the first floor where our bus is parked and hustle her inside. I get a set of baseline vitals. BP 100/Palp, pulse 100 and thready, pupils like saucers , resperations erratic anywhere from 12 to 26 over the course of several minutes. On the monitor shes in a weird sinus arrhtymia, occasional PVCs but the pulse matches the monitor rate. Ryan's going for a 20guage in her right hand, for some reason he's shaking. As a Cardiac Rescue Tech, he's technically higher than me, even though I am waiting for my paper work that says I am officially a medic.
He goes in and gets flash with ease but then he starts to withdraw the needle before he's got the cath seated, the small teflon tube on the end of the hub starts kinking and her hand starts to swell up.
"The fuck you doin?" I whisper.
"I'll get it," he sounds upset.
"Dude, pull it out, heres some gauze." He pops the line out and I tell him to move over. Right next to his little hari kari of her hand I find a vein big enough to support a 16 and drop one in. We start running in some fluid which seems to perk her up a bit. We debate Narcan but with all the facial trauma, the inside of her lip was slashed by her teeth and the possibility of one or more teeth being loose and becoming an airway obstruction requiring intubation we decide to forgo it. Too much narcan on board would make it difficult to knock her down and kepp her that way should the need arise.
Before I head up front to drive I ask her. "What'd you take?"
Shes a bit more coherent now and manages to spit out the words. "Bottle and a half of Vodka and a handfull of perks."
I ask the standard question. "Were you trying to hurt yourself?"
She becomes indignant and glares at me while slurring. "NO! I was trying to get fucked up!"
I nod. "It worked."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passadinha lá no meu, que é sobre frases e poesias, espero que goste. O endereço dele é Um abraço.

11:37 PM  

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