Saturday, March 28, 2009

I just finished reading an article about how everyone is all upset about the changing of the name of the "Freedom Tower" in New York City. For those that don't know the Freedom Tower project was supposed to be a tower that was deliberately set at 1,776 feet as a tribute to American freedom and all of the chest thumping and patriotic hoohah that could possibly be wrapped up in a massive skyscraper on the site of what is essentially a common mass grave for the thousands of friends and family members of countless Americans.
I understand that Ground Zero could not be made into a park, a sort of oasis in the hustle and bustle of a massive megalopolis in order to honor the memory of innocent souls. Come on, we can't possibly lose that real estate. So what it if its holy ground because of the blood that went into the soil. We bulldozed and built on Indian burial grounds for years. A hundred years from now there will be horror stories written about how the walls of the tower bleed and ghosts of the dead killed in the attacks haunt silicone injected botox bimbos while they have sex with their bosses for corporate advancement.
If I sound bitter, I am.
The biggest controversy surrounding this abomination is the name of it. Nearly three thousand people were killed on this site and we build an office complex. People will argue that if we don't rebuild the terrorists have won. Well heres a bit of news for you. I take my shoes off at the airport and I can't bring shaving gel in my carry on any more....... you figgure out whose really afraid of who and remember Tzu Sun's definition of terrorism next time a guy with a turban on sits next to you on a plane.
Ground Zero should be made into a park. Put a nice wall up with all the names of the dead so that we trully will "Never Forget." All that Lee Greenwood country music proud to be an American bullshit won't mean anything when the kids born in this generation are walking through Lower Manhattan, point to the ungodly monument to American avarice and tell their children. "See that big office building? We built that after some Arabs blew up the other ones. I'll show you the Nicolas Cage movie when we get home."
Everyone says they will remember, they have the FDNY 343 stickers and the T shirts and the I heart NY shirts. But if they actually remembered the pain, the suffering and the fear, the terrbile fear that day caused they wouldn't dream of putting up another building there. I can clearly remember calling my father from school that day. As we were talking the plane hit the Pentagon. My father, the man I've always thought had no fear broke into tears over the phone and said "God, they just hit the Pentagon. Its the end of the world." Remember that fear, that pain next time you send your credit card bills to grave of your friends and relatives.
Shit, Gettysburgh is open, lets put an office complex in there.
Aushwitz is prime real estate, bull doze those ovens and put in a KFC.
Pearl Harbor is clogged with sunken ships, dredge that fucker and put in a resort.
Why is it that the site of the biggest mass murder in the history of the world is being turned into an office park? Does my cousin deserve to have the only grave that inters her remains turned into an office building.
If the site of the World Trade Center attacks is not considered holy enough ground not to build on then the debate about whether to call it "the Freedom Tower" or "One World Trade Center" is totally pointless. The tragedy is not that we're being unpatriotic in not calling it the Freedom Tower, instead a mortal and irrevocable sin is being commited in building an office building on the grave of close to three thousand people.
If I lost you as a reader after this article then so be it. I'm so disgusted right now I can't stomach to even write any more about this travesty. I can't even title the damn thing.


Blogger Michael Morse said...

Lost a reader? Hell no! We need a little more of that instead of the old go along. Well said, I can't believe they are putting an office building there. Makes you wonder.

7:47 AM  
Blogger .. said...

I have goosebumps and I have been reduced to tears. While I don't feel I have any say in the matter as I did not know anyone that lost their life that day, I can't help but agree with you. I don't know why, but I feel the need to apologize that it can't be a park/proper memorial. It's just sad.

11:52 AM  

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